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- POSTED 14 May 2015 14 May 2015
By Farah Souhail (@Farah_Souhail)
Meltwater blog (@Meltwater)
May 12, 2015
Social media is an exciting component of the overall promotions strategy, but does not come without its challenges. In her step-by-step blog post, Farah Souhail, digital marketer for Meltwater, details the key points to consider when managing your corporate Twitter account.
Souhail first focuses on the content of posts. To gain an audience, it’s important to build a social brand profile, by consistently publishing content that is most relevant to the audience you’re trying to attract. This content should focus on the brand story with product updates/offers, “how-to’s”, as well as other industry news.
Once you’ve gained the attention of an audience, the next task is to keep them engaged. Welcome new followers and try to find out some information related to them (which will help you to customize and tailor future content). Pay attention to timing and frequency of posts. Tweets have a “shelf life” of only 30 minutes, and the “always on” nature of social media means accounts should be active at all times. Be careful of scheduled posts: while effective in maintaining a presence during traditional off hours (evenings and weekends), you don’t want your account to appear automated. Follow the social media buzz, and join other conversations that are already happening, being careful not to hijack buzz that isn’t relevant.
Make your tweets visually stunning – use images, video and infographics when appropriate. And don’t forget the 80/20 rule: 80% of your tweets should be about others, or retweets from others, while only 20% should focus on self-promotion.
Following these steps will help you to focus on a clear vision and thoughtful strategy, and keep your brand fresh and at the forefront of your customer’s minds.
Our viewPoint
Social media is an important and incredibly effective tool in your overall communications plan. It can also be a very timely project, thus efficient management is essential to ensure you are making the most of it. The priority should be on accurately representing your brand, whether personal or corporate, in an authentic way, and on engaging with your audience in ways that reflect their usage patterns. Maybe that means being active “at all times”, maybe it doesn’t. As long as you’re following a pattern that feels right for your brand, you’ll be authentic.
ArcPoint Strategic Communications has developed an interactive session to help you make the most of your corporate Twitter account. Twitter for CEOs™ will show you how to use the flexibility of this tool across the spectrum of strategy. You'll learn how it fits into your executive and corporate newsroom and how this tool can be integrated into your strategic communications program. This session will cover Twitter basics, as well as how it establishes thought leadership and drives branding and reputation. You’ll learn how to best use Twitter to build your corporate brand and reputation, and discuss case studies and resources. To customize this training to your business needs, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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