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Tap Your Sources of Content: Finding Relevant Topics to Share with Your Audience is Easier than You Think
by Leslie Licano
BullDog Reporters’ Daily Dog (@BulldogReporter, #TheDogIsBack)
June 8, 2015
Communications professional Leslie Licano discusses the importance of keeping your organization relevant, and how to use content to gain this relevance in the eyes of customers and colleagues.
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Are we automating the death of public relations?
By Rachel Wingard (@Raychiller)
Cookerly PR (@CookerlyPR)
June 1, 2015
In her blog, Cookerly PR Account Supervisor Rachel Wingard discusses the company Automated Insights, and its new program, WordSmith, that automatically generates news stories. The program is currently in use developing sports and financial stories for the Associated Press and Yahoo.
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How to conduct a successful PR media tour
By Eri Mizobe (@emizobe)
PR Daily (@PRDaily)
June 1, 2015
PR executive Eri Mizrobe discusses the importance of reaching out to and maintaining a personal connection with journalists in her most recent article for PR Daily. While written in the context of doing a “media tour” and visiting multiple outlets and journalists in succession, Mizrobe’s comments apply in any context when sitting down with a journalist in person. She first stresses the important things to consider when preparing to meet the journalist in person. Do your research on who you’re going to meet – beat, background, interests, etc. Make sure you have enough points to discuss that will show your preparation and knowledge about the editor or journalist, as well as the publication they represent. Always be sure to schedule meetings at a convenient time, and follow up to confirm.
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Scoring with Business Press
by Leslie Grant (@LeslieLGrant)
SHIFT Communications (@SHIFTComm)
May 26, 2015
In the latest SHIFT Communications corporate blog post, Senior Account Executive Leslie Grant shares a few of her best practices for how to land coverage in some of the premier business publications (such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg Businessweek).
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Tweets take flight in the Google App
Google Official blog (@google)
May 19, 2015
Starting Tuesday May 19, tweets began to show up in Google searches on mobile devices. This means that real-time content from Twitter is now searchable via Google’s search engine. The initial phase includes a launch in English only, and only for the Google mobile app and mobile browsers, but there are plans to expand to more languages and the desktop version.
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7 Tips for Managing a Corporate Twitter Account
By Farah Souhail (@Farah_Souhail)
Meltwater blog (@Meltwater)
May 12, 2015
Social media is an exciting component of the overall promotions strategy, but does not come without its challenges. In her step-by-step blog post, Farah Souhail, digital marketer for Meltwater, details the key points to consider when managing your corporate Twitter account.
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A Plain Truth About the Media Ecosystem
by Steve Goldstein (@SGoldsteinAI)
PR News (@PRNews)
May 11, 2015
In a recent PR News blog, Editorial Director Steve Goldstein discusses the state of traditional media outlets today, as shown in the results of a study conducted by Gorkana/DePaul University of 400 US-based financial journalists. The overall finding: traditional news media outlets (such as newspaper, TV, and magazines) are still extremely significant, and will remain so for the foreseeable future. The study shows that the entire top ten ranking are financial journalists from newspaper, magazine or TV brands (that do also have a digital presence, as well).
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Breaking: Journalist has Opinions on Public Relations
By Patrick Coffee (@PatrickCoffee)
AdWeek PR Newser (@PRNewser)
May 7, 2015
AdWeek’s Patrick Coffee examines the relationship between PR professionals and journalists in his latest PR Newser article. Specifically, he discusses the Editor & Publisher piece by Nu Yang calling PR professionals “PRedators” and examines the negativity surrounding the relationship between journalists and PR professionals. He then talks about the inundating PR press releases that journalists receive, but counters with the fact that that’s just a part of the business, and the nature of the relationship.
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Leadership-Training Crisis: Millennials Report That the Biggest Shocker about the “Real World” is Lack of Training at Work
Edited by Richard Carufel (Source: BusinessWire)
BullDog Reporter’s Daily ‘Dog (@BulldogReporter, #TheDogIsBack)
May 5, 2015
In his in-depth assessment, Richard Carufel of BullDog Reporter’s Daily ‘Dog examines the recent Millenial Mindset Study of 1,200 full or part-time employed millenials (aged 18-33). In particular, he analyzes the statistic that “lack of company support for training and development” was identified by millennials as the most surprising aspect of “real world” work. In fact, 1 in 3 of the employed respondents seeks out training on their own, with 88% stating they are willing to personally invest to attain the skills needed to stay relevant in today’s workforce. The skills that millenials most identified as wanting to improve and build upon are project management, interpersonal communication and problem solving.
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Leveraging Bruce Jenner: A Case Study in the Ethics of PR
by Steve Schonberg
Bulldog Reporter’s Daily Dog (@BulldogReporter)
April 27, 2015
In his article, Steve Schonberg of Krupp Kommunications (K2), discusses the recent pop culture story around celebrity Bruce Jenner and his gender identity public disclosure. He uses this story as an example for media professionals to more clearly define their role in such delicate subjects – where is the line between thoughtfully and productively contributing to the conversation, and exploiting the issue?
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How a Brand Can Use Influencers to Target a New Niche
By Tamar Wienberg (@tamar)
The Future Buzz (@TheFutureBuzz)
March 30, 2015
Marketing professional Tamar Weinberg uses the recent launch of Hewlett-Packard’s X360 touch laptop to perfectly exemplify a strong, effective, customer-centric marketing campaign.
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To Hire a PR Firm, or Not to Hire a PR Firm
By Gini Dietrich (@ginidietrich)
Spin Sucks (@SpinSucks)
April 13, 2015
As a start-up entrepreneur, when is it time to hire a PR firm to assist with your promotion and marketing communications? Spin Sucks author Gini Dietrich explores the answer to this question, detailing the relationship between entrepreneurs and PR professionals, using real-world examples of clients she’s encountered in her work. She concludes with a few simple tips to help both the entrepreneur and the PR professional identify the ideal working relationship.
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The do’s and don’ts of social media pitching
by Jim Dougherty (@jimdougherty)
Originally published in PR Daily (@PRDaily)
on March 31, 2015
In this article, PR Daily contributor and PRSA member Jim Dougherty details the statistics on journalists’ use of social media, and how/when it’s appropriate for PR professionals to interact with the media through the various channels.
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Public Relations on Social: 3 Journalists Reveal What Gets Their Attention
by Anna Washenko
Sprout Social
March 11, 2015
In an article appearing on Sprout Social, writer Anna Washenko discusses how journalists use social media, and what they’re looking for when being approached by PR professionals. She interviewed three journalists: Kim Lachance Shandrow, a senior writer for Enterpreneur.com; Micah Singleton, a reporter at The Verge; and Laura Schaefer, cofounder of WordChum.com and contributor to SkilledUp, Match.com, MoneyMix and several other outlets.
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