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- POSTED 12 May 2015 12 May 2015
by Steve Goldstein (@SGoldsteinAI)
PR News (@PRNews)
May 11, 2015
In a recent PR News blog, Editorial Director Steve Goldstein discusses the state of traditional media outlets today, as shown in the results of a study conducted by Gorkana/DePaul University of 400 US-based financial journalists. The overall finding: traditional news media outlets (such as newspaper, TV, and magazines) are still extremely significant, and will remain so for the foreseeable future. The study shows that the entire top ten ranking are financial journalists from newspaper, magazine or TV brands (that do also have a digital presence, as well).
The findings for the top ten most influential media outlets tell a similar story, where only one (Yahoo Finance) is an internet-only brand, and dropped two spaces from last year’s ranking, just barely making the top ten this year.
DePaul University Assistant Professor Matt Ragas (who assisted in conducting the study) believes PR pros should be sure to pay close attention to these findings, as it’s important to know where journalists are getting their news, and what sources they trust (i.e, perceived influencers).
Our viewPoint
Much has been said about the relationship between PR pros and journalists – there are a plethora of articles and lists with tips for those in the PR industry to establish a connection and maintain a positive, mutually beneficial relationship with the news media. Any information we can use to strengthen that bond is useful, so knowing the key players and outlets is enormously helpful to us in determining who and what to pitch for maximum exposure and value to our clients’ message. It’s also interesting to note that, despite the meteoric rise of digital/social media, the old standby of traditional media is still king, with no sign of being dethroned anytime soon.
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