Edited by Richard Carufel (Source: BusinessWire)
BullDog Reporter’s Daily ‘Dog (@BulldogReporter, #TheDogIsBack)
May 5, 2015

In his in-depth assessment, Richard Carufel of BullDog Reporter’s Daily ‘Dog examines the recent Millenial Mindset Study of 1,200 full or part-time employed millenials (aged 18-33). In particular, he analyzes the statistic that “lack of company support for training and development” was identified by millennials as the most surprising aspect of “real world” work. In fact, 1 in 3 of the employed respondents seeks out training on their own, with 88% stating they are willing to personally invest to attain the skills needed to stay relevant in today’s workforce. The skills that millenials most identified as wanting to improve and build upon are project management, interpersonal communication and problem solving.

Our viewPoint

It’s refreshing to see millenials (who are poised to become the largest percentage of the workforce by the end of 2015) taking an interest in the future of their careers. That can only mean good things for today’s employers, to cultivate and grow an educated, informed and dedicated workforce.

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